Small 8" Stuff Your Own Teddy Bear Kits / Faites Votre Propre Toutou 8"
Every adorable 8" stuff your own teddy bear kit comes with your chosen animal, stuffing, a bilingual birth certificate to fill out (French and English), a stuffing stick, 1 heart insert and instructions. 15$ CAD each. No taxes and no minimums. These smaller bears are the approximate size of a Webkinz bear.

Spots le léopard 8" Leopard $15.00
PJ le pingouin 8" Penguin $15.00
Jr l'ours noir 8" Black Bear $15.00
Daisy la vache 8" Cow $15.00
Freddy le taureau 8" bull $15.00
Aurora 2.0 la licorne volante 8" Flying Unicorn 2.0 $15.00
Bella le lapin multicolore 8"Multi-Colored Bunny $15.00
Max le chiot arc-en-ciel 8" Rainbow Puppy $15.00
Skittles l'ours multicolore 8" Multi-Colored Bear $15.00
Scout le loup gris 8" Timber Wolf $15.00
Stripes le tigre 8" Tiger 2.0 $15.00
Baby Blue l'ours bleu 8" Blue Bear $15.00
Milo le carlin 8" Pug $15.00
Snowshoe le husky/loup 8" Husky/Wolf $15.00
Ollie le teckel 8" Dachshund $15.00