Small 8" Stuff Your Own Teddy Bear Kits / Faites Votre Propre Toutou 8"
Every adorable 8" stuff your own teddy bear kit comes with your chosen animal, stuffing, a bilingual birth certificate to fill out (French and English), a stuffing stick, 1 heart insert and instructions. 15$ CAD each. No taxes and no minimums. These smaller bears are the approximate size of a Webkinz bear.

Flash le paresseux 8" Sloth $15.00
Star la licorne rose 8" Pink Unicorn $15.00
Floppy le chiot 8" Puppy $15.00
Slush l'ours multicolore 8" Multi - Colored Bear Currently sold out
Sparkles la licorne violette 8" Purple Unicorn $15.00
Lollipop l'ours multicolore 8" Multi-Colored Bear $15.00
Spike le tricératops 8" Triceratops $15.00
Gilbert le bouc "8 Goat $15.00
Dyno le dinosaure 8" Dinosaur Currently sold out
Juno l'ours brun 8" Brown Bear $15.00
Echo le dauphin 8" Dolphin $15.00
Crunch l'alligator 8" Alligator $15.00
Skipper le lapin 8" Bunny Rabbit $15.00
Ellie l'éléphant rose 8" Pink Elephant Currently sold out
Stripes le tigre 8" Tiger $15.00