Lot Surprise / Surprise Bundle 40 x 8" Bear Kits
Every Surprise Bundle comes with a random mix of stuff your own teddy bear kits at a discounted price. We choose the bears but you get the savings! Save 1$ off each regularly priced 8" kit! Can't find the exact number of Surprise Bundle kits needed? Just send us an email and we'll make a new bundle for you! Small 8" Kits minimum 40
Our surprise bundles are perfect for daycare fundraisers, holiday fairs, teddy bear raffles, camps and corporate events.
All bears come in their individually packaged kits, no sewing and no taxes. Minimum of 5 different bears per Surprise Bundle.
Have a wish list? Send us an email or leave us a note at checkout and we will do our best to accommodate you!
Free shipping for Montreal area camps, schools and daycares! Just send us an email for a free shipping code if your camp or school is located outside the free local delivery zone.